DIVISIONS (Section C) |
Motion and vote on consent agenda. |
1.00 Office of Teaching and Learning (Deborah Cook) |
None |
2.00 Educational Access, Opportunity, and Alternatives (Wynne A. Tye) |
None |
3.00 Academic Support and Federal Programs (Tracye Brown) |
None |
4.00 Human Resources (Marie Whelan) |
4.01 |
Approve Personnel List #940 - Instructional Support |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
4.02 |
Approve Personnel List #1084 - Instructional |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
4.02a |
Approve Administrative Appointments/Transfers |
Speaker sign-up
4.03 |
Approve Teachers Considered Out of Field - Subject Area and English Language Learners |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
4.04 |
Approve Disciplinary Action - Instructional Support (If Any) Withdrawn |
Speaker sign-up
4.05 |
Approve Disciplinary Action - Instructional (If Any) Withdrawn |
Speaker sign-up
5.00 Office of Leadership and Professional Development (Tricia McManus) |
None |
6.00 Business Services (Gretchen Saunders) |
6.01 |
Approve Budget Amendments for the Period July 1, 2017, Ending September 30, 2017 (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.02 |
Approve Refunding of the Outstanding Certificates of Participation (COPs), Series 2008A (the “Refunded Certificates”) and Termination of Swap. Accept Selection of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. to Provide Direct Placement of the 2008A COPs. (Business Services Division)
1. Adopt the Board Certificate Resolution authorizing the refunding of the Refunded Certificates and the termination of the associated swap with UBS AG or, in the alternative, an extension of the Index Rate period through July 1, 2023, with a direct placement with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Authorize the use of an underwriting syndicate including J.P. Morgan Securities, LLC, for this transaction. Authorize staff to work with the District’s Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel to proceed with the refunding and/or the Index Mode extension as long as market conditions remain favorable; 2. Recess as members of the School Board and convene as the School Board Leasing Corporation; 3. Adopt the Corporate Resolution authorizing the refunding of the Refunded Certificates; and 4. Adjourn as members of the School Board Leasing Corporation and reconvene as the School Board. |
Supp. Materials (2)
Speaker sign-up
6.03 |
Approve Refunding of a Portion of the Outstanding Certificates of Participation (COPs), Series 2012A (the “Refunded Certificates”) (Business Services Division)
1. Adopt the Board Certificate Resolution authorizing the refunding of the Refunded Certificates. Authorize the use of a syndicate of underwriters including Raymond James & Associates, Inc. for this transaction. Authorize staff to work with the District’s Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel to proceed with the refunding as long as market conditions remain favorable.
2. Recess as members of the School Board and convene as the School Board Leasing Corporation.
3. Adopt the Corporate Resolution authorizing the refunding of the Refunded Certificates.
4. Adjourn as members of the School Board Leasing Corporation and reconvene as the School Board. |
Supp. Materials (2)
Speaker sign-up
6.04 |
Approve the Agreement for Technical Services with Narcotics Overdose Prevention Education of Hillsborough, Inc. (NOPE) (Academic Support and Federal Programs Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.05 |
Approve the Agreement for Technical Services with Committee for Children (Academic Support And Federal Programs Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.06 |
Approve the Agreement for Technical Services with C.E. Mendez Foundation, Inc. (Academic Support and Federal Programs Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.07 |
Approve the Purchase of i-Ready Licenses in Reading and Mathematics, Ready Instructional Print Materials, and Professional Development from Curriculum Associates, LLC (Sole-Source Provider) for Diagnostics and Instruction (Office of Teaching and Learning) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.08 |
Accept the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bid Submitted by Metrofuser LLC - Invitation to Bid (ITB) #17109-DST-VT Computer Printer Parts (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.09 |
Accept the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bid Submitted by East Polk LLC - Invitation to Bid (ITB) #17087-MST-VT Boiler Maintenance, Repair, and Related Services (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.10 |
Accept the Proposals Submitted by Main Commercial Cooking and Refrigeration Services and Refrigerated Construction Services - Request For Proposal (RFP) #17012-DST-DD Commercial Refrigeration Repair (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.11 |
Approval to Revise Payroll Schedules for 2017/2018 Fiscal Year (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.12 |
Accept the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bids Submitted by Haskell Termite & Pest Control, Inc. - Invitation to Bid (ITB) #17107-MST-BJH Fumigation Service (Site Specific) (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.13 |
Approve School Bus Brand Options and Purchase Utilizing the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) School Bus Bid #2017-02 for the Purchase of School Buses and Optional Equipment with Various State-Approved Vendors (Business Services Division) Withdrawn |
Speaker sign-up
6.14 |
Approve the Renewal of the IBM Passport Advantage Software Agreement through the State of Florida Alternate Contract Source Number 43211500-WSCA-15-ACS - Computer Equipment, Peripherals and Services with Midrange Support & Service, Inc. (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
6.15 |
Accept Highest Ranked Proposal from Absolute Quality Interpreting Services, LLC - Request For Proposal (RFP) #17086-EST-DD Interpreter Services for the Deaf (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
7.00 Operations (Chris Farkas) |
7.01 |
Approve the Final 2017-18 Facilities Five Year Work Plan |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
7.02 |
Approve the Projected 2017-18 PECO and Millage Projects |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
7.03 |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
7.04R |
Approve the 2018-2019 Bell Schedules |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
8.00 Chief of Schools (Harrison Peters) |
8.01 |
Approve Out-of-County/Out-of-State and Overnight In-County Student Field Trips |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
8.02 |
Approve Waiver of Rental Fees |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
8.03 |
Approve Naming of Media Center at Monroe Middle School |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
8.04 |
Approve the Naming and Dedication of the Auditorium at Plant City High School |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
8.05 |
Approve Naming of Auditorium at Middleton High School |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
9.00 Communications (Grayson Kamm) |
None |
10.00 Office of Diversity (Minerva Spanner-Morrow) |
None |
11.00 Outreach and School Improvement (Larry Sykes) |
None |
12.00 Unclassified |
12.01 |
Approve Articulation Agreements with Hillsborough Community College (HCC) for Various Career and Technical Education Programs (Workforce Connections)
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
12.02R |
Approve Amendment #1 To The Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement Between Hillsborough Community College and The School Board of Hillsborough County, FL (Workforce Connections) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
12.03R |
Approve Revised December 2017 School Board Meeting Dates / Approve 2018 School Board Meeting Schedules (Chief of Staff) |
Supp. Materials (3)
Speaker sign-up
13.00 Information Items |
13.01 |
Hillsborough County Public Schools and Pinellas County Schools District Partnership |
Speaker sign-up
13.02R |
Monthly Financial Position Reports from July 1, 2017, Through September 30, 2017 (Business Services Division) (Revised Attachment - page 21) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
13.03 |
Investment Advisory Committee Annual Report (Business Services Division) |
Supp. Materials (1)
Speaker sign-up
13.04 |
Fee Changes for the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 School Years for Student Participants (Human Resources Division) |
Speaker sign-up
13.05 |
School Board Committee Minutes |
Supp. Materials (18)
Speaker sign-up