Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Regular School Board Meeting
School Board of Hillsborough County
901 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa
Meeting Opening
A. Recognitions and Proclamations
B. Consent Agenda
1.01 Approve the Affiliation Agreement with Deliveredxd Pharmacy for Health Science Education Training for the 2020-2021 School Year (Academic Services)
4.01 Personnel Consent Agenda (Human Capital)
4.01a Approve Administrative Appointments/Transfers (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
6.02 Invitation to Bid (ITB) #21000-DST-VT USDA Processed Food Products 2021/2022 (Operations Division)
6.03 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #20205-MST-KJ Relocation and Leasing Services (Operations Division)
6.04 Request for Proposals (RFP) #20213-MST-KJ Playground and Fitness Equipment (Operations Division)
6.07 Purchase of Cambridge Assessment International Education (Cambridge) Examinations for Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) for the 2021 Spring and Summer Test Administration for Sumner High School (Academic Services)
6.08 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Hillsborough Community College (HCC) for 2021-2022 Career Pathways Initiatives (Academic Services)
6.09 Agreement for Technical Services #21034-ATS-WA with iBi Solutions, Inc. (Information Technology)
6.10 2021 Summer Learning Program Opportunities (Academic Services)
6.12 Piggyback (PGB) #21038-EST-CJ SimMan ALS Manikin and Accessories (Academic Services)
6.13 Consulab Training Aids for Diesel Training Labs (Academic Services)
6.14 Piggyback #21017-PGB-CJ Vehicle Lifts, with Garage and Fleet Maintenance Equipment (Academic Services)
6.15 LEGO Learning Tools and Robotics from LEGO Education North America (Sole-Source Provider) (Academic Services)
6.18 Submit the Annual Grant Application for the Cooperative Agreement with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), and if Approved, Accept Funds for The Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET) Project, 2021-2022 (Climate and Culture)
6.20 Agreement for Technical Services (ATS #21035-ATS-WA) with the National Council for Behavioral Health for the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Instructor Certification Training (Climate and Culture)
6.21 Submit the Annual Grant Application for the Cooperative Agreement with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), and if Approved, Accept Funds for the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) for 2021-2022 (Climate and Culture)
6.22 Submit the Annual Grant Application for the Cooperative Agreement with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), and if Approved, Accept Funds for the Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired (FIMC-VI) for 2021-2022 (Climate and Culture)
7.02 Approve Amendment of Construction Management Firm's Agreement for Construction Management Services on a Continuing Basis (Operations Division)
7.03 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Roof Replacement at Williams Middle School (Operations Division)
7.04 Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Fire Repair at Kingswood Elementary School (Operations Division)
7.05 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Referendum (Year Two) Project at Franklin Middle School (Operations Division)
7.06 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Replacement at Kenly Elementary School (Operations Division)
7.07 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Roof Replacement at Lanier Elementary School (Operations Division)
7.08 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Referendum (Year Two) Project at LaVoy Exceptional Center (Operations Division)
7.09 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Roof Replacement at McLane Middle School (Operations Division)
7.10 Approve Acceptance of Project for Referendum (Year Two) Project at Pride Elementary School (Operations Division)
7.11 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Security Vestibule at Raymond O. Shelton School Administrative Center (ROSSAC) (Operations Division)
7.12 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Referendum (Year One) Project at Sickles High School (Operations Division)
C. Discussion Agenda
6.06 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) for Vocational Training Services for Incarcerated Personnel (Academic Services)
6.11 Piggyback (PGB) #21037-EST-CJ Health Supplies & Equipment Catalog Discount Bid (Academic Services)
6.23 Agreement for Technical Services, 21026-ATS-WA-ATS-IV, with Catapult Learning, LLC to Conduct Training for Private School Teachers within the Hillsborough County Region of the St. Petersburg Diocese (Academic Services)
D. Consent Agenda Items Removed for Separate Vote
E. Information Items
F. Hearing on Policies or Business