Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Regular School Board Meeting
School Board of Hillsborough County
901 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa
To provide an education and the supports that enable each student to excel as a successful and responsible citizen.
Preparing Students for Life
Meeting Opening
A. Recognitions and Proclamations
B. Consent Agenda
4.01 Personnel Consent Agenda (Human Capital)
4.01a Approve Administrative Appointments/Transfers (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
4.02 Disciplinary Action (Human Capital)
6.01 Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement with the District Board of Trustees of Hillsborough Community College (HCC) for the 2021-2022 Through 2023-2024 School Years (Academic Services)
6.02 Amendment A to the Agreement with Follett School Solutions, Inc. (Follett) to Extend the Implementation of the Destiny Textbook Manager Software (Destiny) for 2021-2022 Through 2025-2026 School Years (Academic Services)
6.04 Payment of the Hillsborough Community College (HCC) Dual Enrollment Fees for the Spring Term of the 2020-2021 Academic Year (Academic Services)
6.08 Invitation to Bid (ITB) #21053-MST-IV Telephone Systems and Related Parts (Operations Division)
6.09 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21032-MST-IV Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Services (Operations Division)
6.11 Approve the Contract Between AMIkids Tampa, Inc. (AMIkids) and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
6.12 Approve the Contract Between AMIkids YES and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
6.13 Approve the Contract Between PACE Center for Girls - Hillsborough (PACE) and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
6.14 Approve the Contract Between Sequel TSI of Florida, LLC (Sequel) and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
6.17 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (HCPS) and The Boys and Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc. (BGC) to Provide Before School, After School, and Summer Programs (Climate and Culture)
6.18 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (HCPS) and After-School All-Stars, Inc. (ASAS) for Before School, After School, and Summer Programs (Climate and Culture)
6.19 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (HCPS) and Brandon Sports and Aquatic Center (BSAC) to Provide Before School, After School and Summer Programs (Climate and Culture)
6.20 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (HCPS) and Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA (YMCA) to Provide Before School, After School, and Summer Programs (Climate and Culture)
6.21 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with 1 Voice Foundation d/b/a 1 Voice Academy for Kids With Cancer for the Provision of Educational Program for Hospital/Homebound Exceptional Student Education (ESE), 2021-2022 (Climate and Culture)
6.24 Professional Services Agreement #21071-PSA-IV with Mental Health Care, Inc. d/b/a Gracepoint for Exceptional Student Education Services, 2021-2022 (Climate and Culture)
6.26 Invitation to Bid (ITB)#21030-DST-VT Large Food Service Equipment (Operations Division)
6.27 Invitation to Bid (ITB) #21055-MST-IV Tree Trimming Services (Operations Division)
6.28 Invitation to Bid (ITB) #21013-DST-IV, Fuel (NYMEX FUTURES) (Operations Division)
6.29 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21052-MST-IV Sheet Metal Services (Roofing and General) (Operations Division)
6.30 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21015-MST-IV Low Voltage Services (Non-Proprietary Systems) (Operations Division)
6.31 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21039-MST-IV Electrical Services (Operations Division)
6.32 Request for Proposals (RFP) #20128A-DST-KJ Food Service Sanitation Products (Operations Division)
6.33 Invitation to Bid (ITB) #21056-MST-IV, Restroom Trailer (Operations Division)
6.34 Contract Renewal for Full Service Funding with the Florida Department of Health (FLDOH), Hillsborough County (Climate and Culture)
6.35 Contract Renewal for Categorical/Basic Funding for Registered Nursing Services with the Florida Department of Health (FLDOH), Hillsborough County (Climate and Culture)
6.36 Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida, Department of Health (FLDOH), Hillsborough County for Comprehensive Services Provided by Registered Nurses (RNs)(Climate and Culture)
7.01 Approve Third Amendment of the Branch's Ranch, Inc. Billboard Lease at Strawberry Crest High School (Operations Division)
7.02 Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Equipment Replacement at MacFarlane Park Elementary School - Project Number 100271 (Operations Division)
10.01 Approval for the 2020-2021 Annual Educational Equity Update (Innovation)
C. Discussion Agenda
6.03 Purchase of Imagine Language and Literacy from Imagine Learning, Inc., for the 2021-2022 School Year (Academic Services)
6.06 Approve the Agreement for Technical Services #21058-ATS-WA with TNTP, Inc. (Chief of Schools, Leadership Development, and Administration)
6.10 Approve the Contract Between the Agency for Community Treatment Services, Inc. (ACTS) and The School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
6.15 Approve the Contract with TrueCore Behavioral Solutions, LLC (TrueCore) (Chief of Schools, Administration and Leadership Development)
D. Consent Agenda Items Removed for Separate Vote
E. Information Item
F. Hearing on Policies or Business