Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Regular School Board Meeting
School Board of Hillsborough County
901 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa
Meeting Opening
A. Recognitions and Proclamations
B. Consent Agenda
4.01 Personnel Consent Agenda (Human Capital)
4.01a Approve Administrative Appointments/Transfers (Chief of Schools)
5.01 Approve the Student Progression Plan (Chief of Schools)
6.02 Budget Amendments for the Period Ending November 30, 2021 (Finance)
6.04 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21115-MST-KJ Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems and Repair (Operations)
6.05 Piggyback #21118-PGB-BJH Modular Buildings, Portable Storage, and Relocatable Walkways (Operations)
6.06 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21143-DST-KJ Interpreting Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
6.07 Request for Proposals (RFP) #21128-MST-KJ Telecommunication Services - Voice (Operations)
6.08 Early College Program Contract with the District Board of Trustees of Hillsborough Community College (HCC) for the 2022-2023 School Year (Academic Services)
7.01 Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Scoreboard Replacements at All High School Football Fields - Project Number 100250 (Operations)
7.02 Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Storm Sewer Replacement Project at Plant City High School - Project Number 100325 (Operations)
7.03 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Referendum (Year Two) Project at Eisenhower Middle School - Project Number 100126 (Operations)
7.04 Approve Acceptance of Project for Interior Renovations of the Sligh Community Center Building - Project Number 20004 (Operations)
7.05 Approve Acceptance of Project for the Artificial Turf at Multiple Sites (Steinbrenner, Wharton) - Project Number 100267 (Operations)
7.06 Approve the Park East Phase 4 Proportionate Shared Development Mitigation Agreement (Operations)
7.07 Approve the Lease Renewal with Mission Hill Church for Classroom Space for Adult Education and Career Recruitment and Instruction in Basic English (CARIBE) Program for the 2022 Calendar Year (Operations)
7.10 Approve the First Amendment to the Real Estate Exchange Agreement, Memorandum of Agreement, and Joint Use Agreement Between Hillsborough County Regarding the Dorothy Thomas Exceptional Center Property (Operations)
10.01 Memorandum of Understanding between the School Board of Hillsborough County and St. Leo University (Innovation)
10.02 Approve an Overnight, Out of County Field Trip for Simmons Career Center to Attend the South Florida Fair Livestock Show in West Palm Beach, Florida (Innovation)
10.03 School Health Services Plan Amendments for 2020-2022 (Innovation)
10.04 Affiliation Agreement with the Gandy Crossing Care Center for Health Science Education Training for the 2021-2022 School Year (Innovation)
10.05 Affiliation Agreement with Advent Health Sebring for Health Science Education Training for the 2021-2022 School Year (Innovation)
11.01 Approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the School Board of Hillsborough County and Kenly College Institute (Strategic Planning and Partnership)
C. Discussion Agenda
5.02 Approve Middleton High School's Top Eight Technology Students to Attend the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada January 5-9, 2022 (Chief Of Schools)
D. Consent Agenda Items Removed for Separate Vote
E. Information Item
F. Hearing on Policies or Business